Changing the Game: Developing Culture of Peace in organizations
Strategic partnership project “Changing the Game: Developing Culture of Peace in organizations”, project nr. 2020-1-LV01-077564 is a long-term coordinated project of the association “Radi Vidi Pats”, implemented in 2021 and 2022 in collaboration with 4 partner organisations – “Stichting voor Aktieve Geweldloosheid” from the Netherlands, “KOBIETY.LODZ.PL” from Poland, “Catalyst for Growth” from the United Kingdom and “AddART” Greece.
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of organisations and the ability to import and practice a Culture of Peace in their activities and on a daily basis. This is done gradually through educational and non-formal learning methodologies and their use in the training of members and activists on peace education and peace-building skills.
Objectives of the project are:
To develop and extend professional and personal skills to contribute to the Culture of Peace of 10-15 staff members of the 5 partner organizations, and between 30-45 people from15 associate partners of non governmental organizations and activists movements;
To develop an innovative educational methodology based on interactive game comprising 3 modules of CoP, distributed in physical form and via project website through partner organizations, reaching around 800-1000 people of the target groups.
We expecting to reach such results:
10-15 educators/trainers/educational leaders and support staff belonging to partner organizations will take part in two Joint Staff Training events (C1 and C2) aiming to share best practices and conceptual background and educational methodology related to the Culture of Peace and game design;
Another 30 educators/trainers/educational leaders and support staff will take part in the Blended Learning Mobility event (C3), based on our developed CoP game (IO1) and Manual for Educators (IO2). Within the course of the project, they will transfer the knowledge and learning to their organizations & communities, directly reaching up to 30-60 additional people from our target group.
An educational CoP game (IO1) and Manual for Educators (IO2) will be created in English with essential parts translated in languages of all partner organizations (Latvian, Dutch, Polish and Greek).
During 10 multiplier events (E1-E10)- 150 people in 5 countries will be reached and introduced to the outcomes of the Joint Staff Trainings and will be involved in testing the game. This will include 30-60 people from 15 associate partners of nongovernmental organizations and activists movements.
Through online communication channels (project website, partner organizations' websites, newsletter, FB pages) - up to an additional of 800-1000 people of the target groups will be reached.
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