Iepazīsties ar mūsu brīvprātīgo – Levanu!
გამარჯობა!!! (Gamarjoba)
I’m Levan, from Georgia, a new volunteer in RVP.
I have chosen to apply for this program in Radi Vidi Pats because I like its view
and values, opportunities to work on actual topics and being involved in development
of wonderful community. I believe this program will have a great impact on my
As a Strongly determined person, I am not afraid of living in a new environment or
the cultural shock, because I have gained quite good experience working in the
multi-cultural society. I thought my experience would be enough to adapt to a
new environment, new country, new people. I was a member of Future Lawyers
Association, I have taken active part in conferences and internships, have gained
really valuable experience in legal field. I’ve participated in Erasmus+ youth
exchange programs, in terms of which I have been in Erevan - Armenia, Batumi –
Georgia, Slovenia, Spain and together with participants from many other countries,
we’ve worked on the actual topic from different fields, like Young People against
Radicalization and violent Extremism in Europe, discrimination, peace building da
tolerance topics. So I thought for sure, that multi-cultural environment was not an
obstacle for me, but living and working for 2 weeks in RVP was enough for me to
realize that being here is really different.
I am amazed and at the same time surprised by Latvia. I did not have much
information about the country, I liked the topic of the project, the professionalism and
involvement of the team, so Accordingly, I have confirmed my participation. But know
I see the Beautiful views, amazingly wonderful nature, slightly harsh climate, but at
the same time a sunny and full with life city. Its my 15-th day in Latvia and RVP and I
am fully involved in the work and hope, very soon I’ll offer you my personal projects
too. I believe, that It will be a great opportunity for me to work in new area, deepen
my knowledge and work on actual topics of social values.