Work work fun fun
We have gone through several changes in the past month. The main event of the project had to be cancelled because of covid measures, but that doesn’t mean it’s less interesting. In fact, we have conducted two open days successfully and had study visits / working action at two other organizations, and more is coming! We’re lucky to still meet creative local people: wood sculptors, djembe drummers, a wine maker and others.
On some days we help villagers in their households. I went to one of our hosts to process corn from the last autumn. We had to take the corn out of the storage cribs, put it in a processor, which removes kernels from cobs, throw out the cobs and save kernels for animal food. Then we attached the trailer to a tractor, climbed on it and drove across the field to damp the waste. Another day we continued this work, and in addition, learned how to drive a tractor! Also, we got to feed chickens, call pigs inside their shed and pet dogs.
What I liked about these days is working together with the farmer. He didn’t just give us orders, but worked side by side with us. I appreciate his entrustment and readiness to let us try various tasks we haven’t done before. Between periods of work, we took breaks, in which we joked with the host and were offered refreshing drinks and snacks. That was a real countryside work experience! I liked it so much that I agreed to work on a free day, and in exchange for help, we had breakfast and lunch at the host’s place.
After a long week of work, we know how to relax and have fun. One girl came up with the idea to organize a fake wedding. We drew out our roles and tasks. Guess what, I got the central role – a bride! Usually, I’d refuse from being in the spotlight, but Solidarity Corps and volunteering is a good moment to expand your comfort zone. Everyone took their tasks and roles as seriously as possible in this situation. Invitations were sent not only to people involved in this project, but also to friends from nearby places, the garden was decorated with candles, my hair was styled, and we all arrived dressed up. Like the ceremony must go, I walked down the aisle with “my father”, the flower girl was throwing petals, the music was being played. During the official part we said the vows in front of “the priest”, “my significant other” (who turned out to be a girl as well) sang a song for me, whereas I gave the speech on how we met. There were tears and laughter… Then we danced and had a really good time.
That’s the true spirit of the team! We work together and help each other out when needed, but also for informal activities we stick together as a group.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." /Helen Keller/
Between physical work, planning and preparation for workshops and energic free time activities we reach for balance. That’s when the djembe drummer session came at the right time. The women drummer band from city Osijek visited us one afternoon to show some basic rhythms and play together with us. I was carried away by the rhythm and enjoyed it to the bone! That was meditation for me. At the end, they gave a small performance, whilst we were dancing or relaxing on the grass in the sunshine. Oh, what a happy day!
The “Sustainable Community Development Step 2” project is funded by the European Commission's European Solidarity Corps program. The article reflects the views only of the authors