What we have learned in Italy?
In the time period during April 8 to April 15, thirty people participated in Erasmus+ youth exchange project "CACT4US 2.0", which took place in Giovinazzo, Italy. It gathered diverse people connected through their environmental interests from Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus, Portugal and Spain. The aim of the exchange was to gain new practical skills, knowledge and competencies about environmental issues and learning how to implement the practices in our future daily lives.
In this fulfilled week we, the participants, became more aware of our mark on nature and environment, researched different problems in our individual countries, learned to push our creative boundaries within diverse group works and explored various approaches on how to live more eco-friendly.
Throughout all the workshops, we learned how to work as a team, to hear out and respect each other's suggestions and ideas, to focus on our shared goals and to find joint solutions, which everyone would approve of.
We met up with local entrepreneurs from “Ta’ Rossa agricola” who inspired us with their success stories and shared their work ethics and activism. Additionally we engaged in seashore clean up, workshops and conversations with locals about environmental problems in Puglia.
Besides all of that, it was truly an unforgettable week spent bonding through intercultural evenings, dancing lessons, singing, city exploring and exchange of personal experiences. And as all the Erasmus+ projects, this also resulted in new, amazing friendships.
As for the dissemination part after our return, we introduced the local youth of Liepāja to our Italian adventure; Erasmus exchange experience and the opportunities the program can offer; the variety of environmental issues raised during the project, followed by workshops and the practical skills it made us develop.
Thank you to Radi Vidi Pats for this chance, and specifically to Linda, for all the help and preparation she offered ahead of the project.
Also a huge thank you to our wonderful friends from @MOH team, @Rosanna Bellomo and @Noa Philsalis, who hosted and organized this exchange and beautiful adventure.
Annija, Eli, Gerda, Lili, Laura
#cact4us #mobilityopportunitieshappening #erasmusplus #youthexchange