CoP Training in Poland – C3 Game Playtest
From 3rd till 9th of May 20 participants from Greece, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland and United Kingdom gathered in Poland in the beatiful natural farm of Zywa Ziemia near Gdask, in order to test new methodology that would help to develop Culture of Peace in organizations. Methodology - the game and the manual - was developed in 2021 during strategic partnership project “Changing the game: developing Culture of Peace in the organizations” which is funded by the Erasmus+ program. Participants were with different profiles and knowledge about the topic, but ready to explore and play.
Participants used time here to discover concepts, theories, elements and mechanics behind the game, strategies to use it in our organizations as well as possibility to contribute to finalizing the game and the manual. Participants get to know competences needed for Culture of Peace which can help collectives and professionals to develop more effective way of discussions and decision-making in organisations and society.
During the workshops participants expierienced not only the beauty of gamification and board game playing but also reflected upon non violent comunication, how culture of peace works in our organisations and how it should be implemented into working enviroments.
The final results of the project will be a card game and a manual about Culture of Peace and competences needed to develop it. During next three monthes we are planing to produce final version of our game and manual and in September we are planing to present it to the public.
Here are some impressions from participants:
*An interesting project with a prototype idea to communicate the Culture of Peace. Although it needs a bit more focus in the boardgame to become a usfeful tool for the future.
Yiannis from AddART,Greece
*These days was with a lot of joy and we had the chance to learn a lot of interesting things helping us in the future. That`s a nice experience, we can share our own cultures, experiences related to Culture of Peace, gamification, etc.
Anna from Poland
*I got to know more about culture of peace. I really liked that I heard so many different perspectives on so many different topics.
Klara, ADDART volunteer in Greece
*This is a peaceful place where you can hide from the city`s everyday life. Trainers from this project are in the highest of levels! I indeed enjoyed these days!
Kaspars from NGO “Trepes”, Latvia
*This project brought together people with diverse profiles but with the same vision and the need in peaceful communication. It is beautiful to see how strangers can easily became close using principles of nonviolent comunication and even only speaking about culture of peace. It is exciting to be part of a board game production. It brings me to think deeper in the topic. Focus can change so much when we focus on cooperation, playfulness and hearing each other – miracles start to happen. Happy to be part of this process – this project.
Lusja from Latvia
*I love the farm! The project was eye-opening and I liked the illustrated presentations. Vangelis from Greece
Author of article: Asnāte Borisova