About association
The aim of the association is to promote sustainable development of Latvian society, cultural and environmental education through lifelong learning of young people and adults and participation in social processes. Over time, the association has also become involved in projects and activities promoting democracy. We care about an inclusive and open Liepaja society, which everyone can get involved in creating. Since 2015 the association has been working thematically in the following directions: Cycling cultural events: for several years in a row, during the cycling season, we organized Fridays “Nakts Velo Rats' ' with the aim...
Lasīt tālākJaunumi
Why did deer cross Madalina’s path?
In October I went to Latvia to find out “Why Did Deer Cross the Road” or, in other words, to take part in the training course for youth workers by the same name, the brainchild of brilliant minds from the youth associations Radi Vidi Pats in Latvia and Human and Tree in Romania. I left without...
Why Did Deer Cross The Road?
Introduction What if the best way to learn isn’t in a classroom, but by immersing yourself in a culture entirely different from your own? This was one of the main reasons why I was drawn to the Erasmus+ program. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone, meet people from all walks of life, immerse...
Mainot skatuves Itālijā
Oktobra sākumā latviešu grupiņa devās uz jaunatnes darbinieku mācībām Rimini, Itālijā, kur apguva dažādas teātra metodes, ko var izmantot darbā ar jauniešiem. Dalībnieku atsauksmes par pieredzi vari lasīt zemāk. Ilze: Darbs ar jauniešiem vienmēr ir nedaudz izaicinošs, un, pat ja izdodas nodibin...
Today I’m a baby seed excited to grow
From February 21st to 27th, I had the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ international project “My Voice My Choice.” This seminar, focused on climate and participation issues for young people and youth workers, brought together 30 youth workers from various European countries at Lielvirbi...
Pastaigas Liepājas pludmalē ar suni
Aicinu atļaut pastaigas ar suni Liepājas pludmales peldvietās no pilsētas dienvidu robežas līdz D...
Jaunsargu nodarbības skolēniem
Pandēmijas laikā jauniešu mentālā veselība ir smagi iedragāta. Šis ir laiks, ko viņi ir pavadījuš...
Pilsētas zonējums un tēla veidošana
Pilsētas plānošanā būtu paredzamas zonas, kas piesaista attiecīgas sabiedrības intereses: komercz...