Dec 8, 2021 1936

My Latvian experience

In this lifetime we are often so lost and confused... And in some places and with some people we learn things, we learn things that change us. In this lifetime  I am often so lost and confused... And in some places and with some people I learn things, I learn things that change me. I have lea...

Lasīt tālāk
Sep 28, 2021 2583

Building boats in Croatia

On 22 April I took a flight, after being selected for a 52-day short-term volunteering project in Croatia just 2 days ago. Without any expectations, I went to the Island of Brač, where, along with 3 other volunteers - with Clara from Spain and Noè and Louise from Luxembourg - reconstructed wooden...

Lasīt tālāk
Sep 21, 2021 2115

Creative language method handbook

In the 20 pages of “Language within us” handbook you will find description of ten language workshops made by project participants. These workshops will not only let you think and communicate in languages you know and do not know, but they will also let you move, sing and improvize. Any activity i...

Lasīt tālāk
Aug 31, 2021 1840

Gloria about the project "Language within us"

Hey there, it's Gloria. Do you remember me? I used to be active on this webpage in 2020. I came back from Latvia a month ago. Somehow I am getting used to coming back from what I already call my second home. It is a special feeling. Weird. This time, I was only there for half a month. I wen...

Lasīt tālāk
Aug 5, 2021 1670

Iekustinot sevi un pasauli

Ir pagājis jau mēnesis, kopš esmu Horvātijā, un “sastrādāts” jau ir tik daudz. Sākšu laikam ar to, ka cilvēki ir ļoti draudzīgi un pretim nākoši. Lai gan ceļš līdz šai pilsētai bija ļoti garš, tas bija tā vērts, jo paspēju arī apskatīt Horvātijas galvaspilsētu. Paralēli visiem darbiem būšu arī ie...

Lasīt tālāk