2019. gada vasarā es grasījos uzsākt studijas, bet labi zināju, ka vēl neesmu gatava 6 gadus aktīvi censties kļūt par mediķi. Es ilgi meklēju dažādas alternatīvas un brīdī, kad ieraudzīju Eiropas Solidaritātes Korpusa projektu “Planet Heroes”, uzrakstīju pieteikumu un pēc tam viss notika ļoti ātr...
Čau! I'm back in Liepāja but not for so long, it seems like I'm stoping home only for a few hours every time. Where I was last time? In Sabile. And for the best reason: it was the 15 birthday of Radi Vidi Pats! So last friday (3th July) around 20 people, some activists, some members, some vol...
Hey hey hey! I'm back to tell you our last adventure in this COVID times. I put you in context: there is a wonderful group of people in Latvia who are going on Velomūzika (BikeMusic) trips every summer. This summer they have chosen Kurzeme (the region of Latvia where's Liepāja) so it's...
I'm back! As everything in life, all good things end. But I've spent such an amazing time this last week in Dimzēni, an ecological farm based on principles of sustainability and traditional Latvian lifestyle. On 19th of Jun Tadej, Madalin, Stas, the kids and me, we went to the farm in the Stas v...