Jun 26, 2020 647

#9 Līgo at Dimzēni

I'm back! As everything in life, all good things end. But I've spent such an amazing time this last week in Dimzēni, an ecological farm based on principles of sustainability and traditional Latvian lifestyle. On 19th of Jun Tadej, Madalin, Stas, the kids and me, we went to the farm in the Stas v...

Lasīt tālāk
Jun 17, 2020 596

#8 Update!

Hello lovely people, It's been one month since I don't publish anything here, and I wanted to make a short update. So the things finally seems different. I can see the light after the storm with all this COVID19 situation... On May 15 they opened the borders between the three Baltic countries and...

Lasīt tālāk
Jun 4, 2020 1026

Pastāvēs, kas kustēsies

Pateicoties Sabiedrības Integrācijas Fondam, biedrība "Radi Vidi Pats" uzsāk megavasaras miniprojektu "Pastāvēs, kas kustēsies". Projekta mērķi ir caur atšķirīga rakstura pasākumiem un brīvprātīgo darbu veicināt liepājnieku apziņu klimata un aktīvas pilsonības jautājumos un spēcināt biedrības "Ra...

Lasīt tālāk
Jun 3, 2020 732

"Zadiņi" in Launkalne.

Hello. I’m Kety from Georgia and I’m doing my volunteering project in Nica’s municipality youth centre. Now I want to share about one of my small trip to Launkalne Zadini. It was something new and interesting to do after lockdown. Big opportunity to learn new skills like agro-cultural and plantin...

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